The Eco Tauranga Difference
Eco Doors & Windows was the first uPVC window and door company to establish itself in Wellington City over 10 years ago. We are centrally located on Hutt Road, Thorndon, close to the home renovation centre of Wellington.
As Wellington has awoken to the benefits of uPVC windows and doors, our company has grown. We have a number of teams of experienced installers.
Our sales staff know uPVC windows and doors inside out and how to install them. Better still, we are backed by a state-of-the-art factory in Auckland – Warm Windows. They have over 14 years experience in fabricating uPVC doors and windows.
Quality Materials
The uPVC extrusions used to manufacture our doors and windows come from German company, Aluplast.
Aluplast are one of the largest uPVC manufacturers in Europe, and have been exporting uPVC windows to high UV regions in the Middle East since 1984. Having proven itself in high UV environments for 35 years makes the product ideal for New Zealand conditions.
Professional Standards
Our entire range of uPVC joinery has been BRANZ appraised, meaning they comply with all applicable building codes in New Zealand. Additionally, our products also comply with applicable Australian and European standards.
Our uPVC doors and windows are constructed to meet Aluplast’s stringent manufacturing criteria, and we support this with a full 15 year warranty.